Series: Single Messages
Fires don’t accidentally start–there are certain things that are required to be present. It is also true that you will never have children who accidently become “on fire” for Jesus. There are some necessary ingredients… read more
Series: Freedom
Lots of people say, “I’m for you…” They may really mean it and demonstrate it in lots of ways. If you’re a follower of Christ, the Bible communicates clearly that God is for you. Simply… read more
Series: Freedom
You’ve heard it said, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” and that’s true. It’s also true that there are some things occuring that you cannot see and have no idea that are going on…that… read more
Series: Freedom
When you come into this world you do so with “normal” human nature. That nature leads us to operate in ways that are out of bounds with standards God has established for us. If you… read more
Series: Freedom
The Bible describes how when a person begins to follow Christ, they experience freedom. But freedom communcates the idea of things I can do now that I couldn’t do before. So what exactly am I… read more
Series: Freedom
When someone begins to follow Christ, some really positive things become true of them. Among other things, they experience freedom from some truly awful things. God used Paul to spell out some of these freedoms… read more
Series: Overheard
If you’ve been through a difficult time and someone asks what it was like, what do you say? Likely, you may spell out with some detail the challenges you faced. How about Jesus? On the… read more
Series: Overheard
Sometimes when we know a fact or two, we can arrive at conclusions that are, well…wrong. This happens often in life and just as often it is about things that don’t matter very much. At… read more
Series: Overheard
We make assessments all the time. From things as simple as how to pronounce a word to whether we will take a job in a particular city, we’re making assessments. Some of these are much… read more