Series: Kingdom Logic
There are steps that are important…really important. In fact, there are some that are so important that if you miss them you wind up with real, consequential problems. That’s not only true in life, it’s… read more
Series: Kingdom Logic
We all have things in our lives that we value. This is true of everyone. The question, however, is do those who follow Jesus, do they value things in the same way as those who… read more
Series: Kingdom Logic
We are all focused on things…just not always the right things. Jesus said that His followers, kingdom citizens, are focused on some things, but what are they? Find out more in today’s message, “What Are… read more
Series: Kingdom Logic
When we follow Jesus, the life He guides us to live is anything but ordinary. In fact, His standards are higher, remarkably so…you may even say extraordinary. That is true in a varied number of… read more
Series: Kingdom Logic
When you’re the king, there are some real perks. Chief among them is that you get to establish rules that others have to follow. Jesus presented Himself as King and invites people to be part… read more
Series: Kingdom Logic
We make comparisons all the time. In fact, we compare people to things…sometimes even ice cream flavor. Jesus compared His followers, however, to salt and light, but what did He mean by that? Find out… read more
Series: Kingdom Logic
We are living in a very charged, divided culture and political climate. Trying to navigate these is easy if you want to just “go with the flow.” But what if you’re trying to follow Jesus?… read more
Series: Single Messages
Series: Freedom
We tell others that we love them. Others tell us, “I love you.” Sometimes people tell us that and it has real consequence and at other times, we are completely unaffected. If you have a… read more