Series: Searching for Meaning
If something has meaning or is used meaningfully, we’re saying that it has consequence, value. We can talk about having and living meaningful lives, but we live out those lives in a body. The fact… read more
Series: Searching for Meaning
When you get to the end of Monopoly, there are winners and losers, but ultimately, who cares? It’s just a game, right? The money, the hotels, the railroads…it doesn’t actually mean anything. For too many… read more
Series: Single Messages
We’ve just started a new year and lots of people are making resolutions…resolutions about things they want to change. The year starts with all sorts of enthusiasm but by February things are slowing down and… read more
Series: The Light Has Come
When Christmas has passed, there are things we need to do…take down decorations, send thank you notes, stop eating so much, etc. Followers of Jesus know that Christmas is not merely a calendar date, it’s… read more
Series: The Light Has Come
Jesus wasn’t surprised to come into the world in flesh—He knew this was going to happen. He knew when it was going to happen. What was He thinking just before this took place? He knew… read more
Series: The Light Has Come
When light shines on something, it affects how it is viewed. In His own words, Jesus called Himself the “light of the world.” We are told that with Jesus coming into the world, “among those… read more
Series: The Light Has Come
We are daily hearing things that are true. Whether it is a news story about an event that has transpired or it’s a fact that we hear in a lecture in a classroom, we are… read more
Series: Ghosted
We have expectations about virtually everything in life…simple things…important, consequential things. When our experience doesn’t align with our expectations about the “small stuff” of life, it doesn’t really matter. When the expectations are about more… read more
Series: Ghosted
If you live long enough, you’ll have some things about which you feel regret. Those feelings may not seem positive, but that regret doesn’t have to be useless. Job struggled with regret to the point… read more